
Exam Room Clinical Supplies

Sharps containers, exam table paper and other materials are all must have rehab clinic supplies. These physical therapy clinic supplies also include cups and other single use items that can be purchased in large quantities, saving on cost.

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We want you to be 100% satisfied. Our aim is to provide you with quality products at an affordable price. If an item does not meet your expectations, we'll gladly refund your money within 30 days of initial receipt. In order to keep our prices the lowest possible, some exceptions apply. A 20% restocking fee will be applied to returns received 31-59 days after initial receipt. Returns for orders over 60 days will not be processed. Please see our [1]Returns section for detailed information.

If you find the same product for a lower price from any other company, we will refund/match the difference. Offer is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. Valid on orders shipped within the continental United States. Cannot price match against auction sites. Pricing match is based on competitor complying with Manufacturer’s Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy. If a product is listed below “MAP” we may not be able to match that price. Vendor that we price match must have product available to purchase and not on backorder.

Items 1-20 of 66

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  1. Crepe Exam Table Paper 21Wx125l, 12 Rolls, White ScripHessco Crêpe Exam Table Paper Rolls 21"W x 125'L
  2. ProductClub® Powder-Free Clear Vinyl Disposable Gloves ProductClub® Powder-Free Clear Vinyl Disposable Gloves
  3. Boomer Naturals Nano-Silver Reusable Face Mask Boomer Naturals Nano-Silver Reusable Face Mask
    $4.97 - $6.97
  4. Sage Slim Biohazard Containers Sage Slim Biohazard Containers
    $3.99 - $9.97
  5.  ScripHessco Economy Headrest Squares with Slot 12X12 ScripHessco Economy Headrest Squares with Face Slots 12" x 12"
  6. Disposable 3-ply Face Mask with Ear Loop Blue - Pack of 50 Disposable 3-ply Face Mask with Ear Loop Blue - Pack of 50
  7. Crepe Headrest Paper, 8.5Wx125l, 25 Rolls, White ScripHessco Crêpe Headrest Paper, 8.5"W x 125'L
  8. Tech-Med® Glass Medical Sundry Jars - Dressing Jars Tech-Med® Glass Medical Sundry Jars - Dressing Jars
    $11.09 - $17.19
  9. Cotton Hand Towels 1 Dozen Cotton Hand Towels 1 Dozen
  10. Alcohol Dispenser Plastic Bottle With Swing Lid - Each Alcohol Dispenser Plastic Bottle With Swing Lid - Each
  11. Dynarex Sterile Alcohol Pads Medium Box of 200 (alcohol wipes) Dynarex Sterile Alcohol Pads Medium Box of 200 (alcohol wipes)
  12. Zoll Aed Plus Defibrillator Zoll Aed Plus Defibrillator
  13. Headrest Paper, 8.5Wx225l 25 Rolls, White,Smooth ScripHessco Premium Smooth Headrest Paper, 8.5"W x 225'L
  14. Plastic Cap For Bottle Sizes 2 - 16 Oz (Flip Top) Plastic Cap with a Pop-up Pouring Spout For Bottle Sizes 2 - 16 Oz (Flip Top)
  15. Crepe Exam Table Paper 18Wx125l, 12 Rolls, White ScripHessco Crêpe Exam Table Paper 18"Wx125'L
  16. Headrest Paper, 8.5Wx225l, 25 Rolls, White ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper, 8.5"W x 225'L for Chiropractor & Exam Tables
  17. Bandage Scissors Bandage Scissors
  18. Bottle Holster Only NRG® Massage Holster Only
  19. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% H202 16 Oz Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 3% - Liquid H202 - 16 oz Bottle
  20. Washcloth 12X12 White 12 Pack Washcloth 12" x 12" - White - 12 Pack
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Exam Room Supplies