
TheraTouch® DX2 Shortwave Diathermy

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TheraTouch® DX2 Shortwave Diathermy

The DX2 Difference

The TheraTouch DX2 introduces innovations in safety and efficiency in today’s diathermy units.

Scientific Dosage Control (SDC)

Traditional diathermy units that are on the market today provide a dosimetric scale that is categorized into only four doses.

  • Dose I – Subthermal
  • Dose II – Mild Heat
  • Dose III – Low Heat
  • Dose IV – Vigorous Heat

With the TheraTouch DX2’s tighter titration, two additional dosimetry options are now available.

  • Dose III SDC M – Moderate Heat
  • Dose III SDC H – High Heat

The unique parameter afforded by Richmar’s SDC allows for an increased thermal effect with decreased risk. The heating effect from Dose IV Vigorous Heat can be uncomfortable and for patients with decreased muscle mass and/or the thinness of the skin. The two additional dosimetry options were created to better meet the needs of these patients. In traditional diathermy devices, the devices will jump from 24W of energy at Dose III to 48W at Dose IV. TheraTouch DX2 fills this large gap with incremental dosage increases at both 30W and 36W.

High Efficiency Auto-Tuning (H.E.A.T)

The TheraTouch DX2 contains resonant auto-tuning technology that continually adjusts to provide consistent coupling, based on calculations of the patient’s impedence, size, and body density. This ensures maximum energy transmission, without resorting to higher dosage, resulting in faster heating and shorter treatment times.

Microcirculation Indication

The Microcirculation Indication is an exclusive parameter located within the TheraTouch DX2. Studies indicate that subthermal pulsed shortwave diathermy can enhance the rate of tissue healing and be an effective adjunct therapy. This indication can be especially helpful in long term care and skilled nursing facilities.

Flexible Reliable Mechanical Arm

The mechanical arm has five articulation points that allows for easy positioning of the inductive drum to various body areas. Numerous friction joints hold the drum in position during treatments, preventing unwanted movement.

Product Features and Highlights

  • Anatomical Treatment Guide for easy monode placement
  • Save up to 99 user-defined favorites
  • 9 evidence-based Quick Links by Indication
  • Qualitative Thermal Dosimetry with six settings included
  • Easy to use, touch-screen interface
  • USB port for easy software upgrades
  • Dual treatment indicators on unit and inductive drum
  • 3-year warranty
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Brand Name Richmar
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