
Spine Corrector

853 0063
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The Spine Corrector

The Spine Corrector is an essential Pilates tool that can be used to perform exercises lengthening and strengthening the torso, shoulders, back and legs while correcting or restoring the spine’s natural curvature. An ideal piece of equipment for aligning and mobilizing and spine, the Spine Corrector can also assist with improving posture. Its slanted platform with dense foam padding and smooth pale wooden handgrips provide comfort for clients while accommodating diverse exerciser needs.

·   Sturdy wood construction made from solid Baltic Birch panels

·   Maple handgrips


·   Dense foam padding



Width 21½", with handles 32"
Length 30¾"
Height 12"
Weight 24 lbs

Color Options:

Dark Cherry
Imperial Blue
Royal Blue
Yew Green
Concord Purple
Gun Metal Grey
Chestnut Brown

More Information
Brand Name Stott Pilates
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