
Softskin Nitrile Non-Powdered Exam Gloves 100 ct

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Tattoo Cleaning Supplies, Disinfectants & Cold Sterilization, tattoo gloves, tattoo medical gloves

Softskin Nitrile Non-Powdered Exam Gloves 100Ct 

Nitrile gloves are a latex-free synthetic rubber glove and the fastest growing segment of the glove market. Their unique physical properties allow them to mimic the fit and feel of natural rubber latex without any risk of latex allergy. SoftSkin Nitrile gloves have an Aloe Vera coating on the inside to ease the gloves on and to prevent and heal dry skin.

Studies show that a virus smaller than the hepatitis B and C virii and the AIDS virus will not pass though these gloves. Studies also show that during an 8-hour exposure to Isopropyl alcohol, no alcohol penetrated the glove.


  • Contain no natural rubber latex proteins that can cause an allergic reaction
  • Retain a high level of barrier effectiveness when stretched
  • Fit tightly around the cuff which greatly reduces the risk that dangerous fluids could make their way around the cuff and into the glove.
  • Superior fit means users can perform all standard procedures with ease.
  • Superior tear-resistance compared to ordinary latex or vinyl gloves
  • Powder free means there is nothing to inhale
  • Easy to put on and no unpleasant odor when removed  

Available Sizes:

  • Small - 100Ct 
  • Medium -100Ct 
  • Large -100Ct 
More Information
Manufacturer Number PRO31761H, PRO31762H, PRO31763H
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